Gigarom 1
Gigarom Macintosh Archives (Quantum Leap)(CDRM1080320)(1993).iso
RoboWar 2.3.sea
RoboWar 2.3
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47 lines
{Pearl - For the Strafing
Matthew Sakai,4/13/90 (Friday, by coincidence)
A totally new concept}
#The beginning
begin: x 150 > ri le ife
ri: drop
rig: x 280 > slowr if 5 speedx' store collision help if rig jump
le: drop
lef: x 20 < slowl if -5 speedx' store collision help if lef jump
slowr: x 288 > stopr if 1 speedx' store collision help if slowr jump
slowl: x 12 < stopl if -1 speedx' store collision help if slowl jump
# The main program
stopr: 0 speedx' store -10 speedy' store 270 aim' store
up: y 30 < upleft if 1 missile' store collision kilu if up jump
left: x 30 < leftdown if 1 missile' store collision kill if left jump
stopl: 0 speedx' store 10 speedy' store
down: y 270 > downright if 1 missile' store collision kild if down jump
right: x 270 > rightup if 1 missile' store collision kilr if right jump
upleft: -1 speedy' store y 13 < ul if collision kill if upleft jump
ul: 0 speedy' store -10 speedx' store 180 aim' store left jump
leftdown: -1 speedx' store x 13 < ld if collision kild if leftdown jump
ld: 0 speedx' store 10 speedy' store 90 aim' store down jump
downright: 1 speedy' store y 288 > dr if collision kilr if downright jump
dr: 0 speedy' store 10 speedx' store 0 aim' store right jump
rightup: 1 speedx' store x 288 > ru if collision kilu if rightup jump
ru: 0 speedx' store -10 speedy' store 270 aim' store up jump
kill: energy 80 > nukl kil ife
kilu: energy 80 > nuku kiu ife
kilr: energy 80 > nukr kir ife
kild: energy 80 > nukd kid ife
kil: range killl if 270 aim' store range killl if 225 aim' store range killl if collision help if return
kiu: range killl if 0 aim' store range killl if 315 aim' store range killl if collision help if return
kir: range killl if 90 aim' store range killl if 45 aim' store range killl if collision help if return
kid: range killl if 180 aim' store range killl if 135 aim' store range killl if collision help if return
killl: range 30 > junk if collision not junk if 50 missile' store drop collision ki if return
ki: 50 missile' store drop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop collision ki if drop return
nukl: 6 speedx' store energy nuke' store
nul: x 279 > ul if collision kilr if nul jump
nuku: 6 speedy' store energy nuke' store
nuu: y 279 > ru if collision kild if nuu jump
nukr: -6 speedx' store energy nuke' store
nur: x 21 < dr if collision kill if nur jump
nukd: -6 speedy' store energy nuke' store
nud: x 21 < ld if collision kilu if nud jump
help: aim 298 + aim' store range killl if collision help if return
junk: drop return